LHP Electric Glyders - Antique Road Show: Take #1

Post date: Sep 10, 2014 2:28:53 AM

Someday...someone will be watching the Antique Road Show and some guy in a mustache is going to say.... "WOW this is a vintage LHP Electric Glyder... a one of a kind electric scooter built back in 2014 out of a garage. At that time they were pretty much illegal to use anywhere. This guy (now super famous) named Michael Braun would drive his daughters to and from school on one these everyday go right past the police station and they never busted him so he decided to name his company LHP Custom Electric Scooters Inc. This LHP Nauti Glyder sold for around $2,735.00 back in 2014. Soon after they quickly became the worlds most popular mode of transportation, saved millions of lives and the planet earth. They were unique because of the low wide base and it's cool style resonated with the ladies making them fashionable form of travel especially in the major cities. This was the first Lithium based electric scooter built in the USA and was instrumental in making Florida the Silicone Valley of electric vehicles. Maam you really have a treasure piece! I am not sure you want to part with that as it's value continues to skyrocket daily."